View and Manage EMA Payments
Use the Learner Payments and Weekly Payments tabs on the EMA Management screen to:

You can view and manage EMA payments for any learner with a valid EMA Learner Agreement.
To view EMA payments by learner:
Select the Learner Payments tab.
Click the Learner Search button.
The Learner Search window is displayed.
Search for and open the relevant learner record.
The selected learner's EMA record is displayed.
You can view payments for previous years using the EMA Year filter drop-down menu.
- Edit the relevant details.
The fields in the EMA Payments section are described in the following table.
The EMA Bonus Payments section is not currently used.

You can filter the records displayed in the Weekly Payments tab further by using the Groups filter.
This requires groups to be set up, with learners assigned using Group Management. Refer to Manage EMA Groups for further information.
To view EMA payments by group:
Select the Weekly Payments tab.
Select the group that you want to view payment records for from the Groups drop-down.
The Weekly Payments tab then displays all learners in the selected group.
Use the EMA Year and EMA Weeks filters to display the relevant year and week.